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"your body like a searchlight / my poverty revealed" - Take This Longing by Leonard Cohen
"My tongue remembers your wounded flavor. / The vein in my neck / adores you..." - "The City in Which I Love You" by Li-Young Lee
"Stack in me the unaccountable fire, / bring on me the iron leaf, but tenderly. / Folded one hundred times and / creased, I'll not crack. / Threshed to excellence, I'll achieve you. / But in the city / in which I love you, / no one comes, no one / meets me in the brick clefts; / in the wedged dark, / no finger touches me secretly, no mouth / tastes my flawless salt..." - "The City in Which I Love You" by Li-Young Lee
"I / drag my extinction in search of you...." - "The City in Which I Love You" by Li-Young Lee
"dead drunk on red wine / digging for the sunlight" - from "Better to Be Lost" in Book of Longing by Leonard Cohen
"I'm porous with travel fever / But you know I'm so glad to be on my own / Still somehow the slightest touch of a stranger / Can set up trembling in my bones / I know no one's going to show me everything / We all come and go unknown / Each so deep and superficial / Between the forceps and the stone." - Hejira by Joni Mitchell
"I'm traveling in some vehicle / I'm sitting in some cafe / A defector from the petty wars / Until love sucks me back that way." - Hejira by Joni Mitchell